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Admiral Maidu

Admiral Maidu

This was just for fun. I had just finished Design III, and my aunt and uncle happened to be over for dinner. He was looking at the lightsaber very carefully, turning it this way and that. I asked him if he'd mind if I took a couple pictures of him posing with it, and he said it would be fine. I snapped some pictures of my uncle with different poses, but when he saw this one in the preview window of my old digital camera, he quoted, "it looks like he's waitin' fo' da shit ta start." I later played with the picture in a photo editor, and gave him a copy with a gift for Christmas. When he opened the package, the picture was the first first thing he saw, with the quoted line on it. With a big grin on his face, he held it in the air showing it to everyone, and when my aunt attempted to take it and look at it, he smiled and tucked it in his pocket. Needless to say, he really enjoyed it.