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Design VI: Kain I

Design VI

This saber is my first "Character" saber, designed after the preffered weapon of my character Kain.

Kain built a saber that utilized a blade of Darkmatter, opposed to the louped laser of the traditional lightsaber. Kain spacifically built this weapon to disable the preferred weapon of his opponants. The Darkmatter blade is not only as deadly as a traditional lightsaber, but upon extended contact with an opposing lightsaber blade, this Darkmatter blade will short out the circuitry of his opponant's weapon and crack or even shatter the emitter crystals, fully disableing his opponant's weapon. The blade is activated psionically at Kain's command, and the hilt has an integrated bio-sensor to identify the user. If any other person than Kain were to attempt to wield the saber, the bio-sensor would trigger the weapon's power core to release a deadly jolt of electric energy through the grip.

My original concept design for Kain's v1 Darkmatter Saber had a Vader ESB-style emitter shroud, a control/activation box, lots of venting, and a grip and pommel design similar to that of Design IV. This saber is not 100% true to my original concept design, however eventually I'll build another Kain saber that is. In the meantime, there is Kain I, and also Kain II.