This is my first saber to incorperate elecronics of one kind or another. Particularly, in this case, I wanted sound. But we'll get to that.
I had an Obi-Wan PM in mind when I built this, as you could probably tell. However, I didn't want the stereotypical Obi-Wan style saber as the result. I wanted something a bit different, yet still within the scope of that saber style. There's only so much you can change before it's radically different, and I didn't want to push it too far. I decided to use an alternative approach to the pommel, to start with. I got the idea of putting spikes on the pommel. At the time, I had no idea where I could get spikes, so I improvised. With the grip, I wanted something rounded, yet with edges, so I made the cutout in the grip tapering to a point at the pommel and emitter ends of the grip tube, and placed rubber grip materials on the core tube beneath the grip.
The next step was figuring out how to get it to make sound. I wanted some kind of a vibrating-humming sound without having to put together a custom board with soldered and wired circuitry, etc, which was then and still is beyond my electronic capabilities. I can build sabers, but I'm not an electronics genius. *grin* I was surfing a forum and came across a post from a lady who had used a buzzer in her saber to make sound. So I gave that idea a shot. It didn't sound very convincing with the buzzer that I used, but when it was all wired up and started squealing away while holding down the button, it was still pretty cool.