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Design X: The Maidas Blade

Design X

This lightsaber is the reason why lately I've been designing lightsabers with gold accents! But aside from my acquired gold obsession, this is just an awsome saber. It's awsome drawing up a concept design and having a saber turn out even better than the blueprint!

I had designed this saber to be used as an entry for a lightsaber contest online in 2005. I had been reading Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Prodigal Son, and had been fascinated by Koontz's Deucalion character. I used him, and the few scenes where he is located at a Buddhist monistary, as inspiration. I wanted a lightsaber that a monk gone defender would use. The gold representing Heaven, the arches inspired by gothic cathedrals. I created lines to direct attention to certain areas, etc. I wanted to use a classic Graflex-style emitter shroud with the prongs. It turned out better than I had expected. I might not have won anything in the contest, but I got to keep the saber, which is a prize in itself!