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Design IX: Spectre II

Design IX

Spectre II, aka "The Twins." Simple, streamline, yet detailed and awsome sabers. You're probably asking yourself, "Whatever happened to Spectre one?" about now, yes? Well, there's a story behind that!

A few years ago, I had designed three sabers, a staff that disconnected into two sabers, and a single saber. My design was ambitious, and things started off good. Then, things just started going down the drain. I was rushed, the paint I needed I didn't have and resorted to using a decades- old can of paint I didn't want to use, and on top of that, my measurements were off, things weren't where they were supposed to be--well, you get the idea. The design of the sabers was pretty cool, though they turned out horribly, in my eyes, and are not worthy of being on SOTF nor have they seen the light of day since they were finished. The background explained, lets move on.

As with the previous version, I wanted these to join at the pommel, and disconnect with a twist motion. It was fine and dandy until one mistake--four rivets that hadn't been considered. Yup, that's all it takes to make your "twist on/twist off" connection/disconnection go kaplooey. Don't get me wrong, it's easily corrected, I just haven't had the time to fix it. (lol) But the idea is there, and when I was testing it--before rivets--it worked perfectly fine. I'll get around to correcting that eventually.